
February Info- Cafe Cafe Tamarindo

COFFEE- Featuring Breakfast-House-PeaberryWake up... or get your afternoon lift with our Tres Generaciones coffee. Tres Generaciones coffee is farmed from Doka Estates, a local coffee farm located in the hills of San Ramon, Costa Rica. Choose from our three daily brews...Breakfast, House, and Peaberry.
We also serve tea, iced coffees, frozen fruit smoothies, lattes, cappuccino, and hot cocoa.
ART- Diego Arnedo
Through the end of March we will be featuring paintings by Argentinean artist
Diego Arnedo of Tamarindo. The earthy tones and
Caribbean flavor of his works make for beautiful wall hangings.
Diego and his wife Andrea have become well known in Costa Rica for using their creativity in decorating restaurants, bars, and discos for grand openings and theme events. Most recently, Diego and Andrea hosted this years CEPIA fundraiser at the Diria Amphitheater incorporating the talent and creativity of other artists. To find out more, check out http://jaguartdeco.com/.
Swing by and check out our wide selection of used books for sale.
And for locals... don't miss out on our our book loan program. We carry children's books, family books, and Christian books.



Anonymous said...

it really is a small world, and country...sitting here at my desk in february, in Delaware, USA, i felt like looking at some warmer pic's , my good friend lives in Costa Rica, ( i visited CR last year but other side of country), I remember wishing I got to her area, Tamarindo, which many refer to as the best part of CR. So I was google imaging "tamarindo" and one of the pic's was yours, thus i clicked and started reading about your shop and events...scrooling through I had to smile...as you mention Andrea & Diego from a event months ago...Andrea is one of my oldest and dearest friends and i had the pleasure of meeting Diego and Azul when they were visiting states...its funny how two click on a random picture can land you on your friends events.
maybe have coffee there someday soon
-michelle dewey, usa

shooter said...

I want a T-shirt! Do you guys have any left??
