
The Gallo Pinto Burrito, Souveniers and FACEBOOK

Hello Fans.... just wanted to keep you up to date on the latest at Cafe Cafe. We recently added a new menu item called the "Gallo Pinto Burrito". Gallo Pinto is a typical Costarican food enjoyed by all true Costa Ricans. Simply put... it is rice and beans mixed with cilantro, onions, red bell pepper (chile dulce), fried and stirred together. Most commonly, this is served with a side of eggs, Tico cheese, and platanos maduros (fried ripe plantains or bananas). Well.... we've decided to gringo-ize the whole deal and put it into a flour tortilla anc call it a burrito. So you have our gringo-ized original "Gallo Pinto Burrito"- Gallo pinto, scrambled eggs, tico and cheddar cheese blended... served with fresh salsa and slices of avacado on the side.
Secondly... we wanted to mention that we are now moving a bit into the world of merchandizing. Hey... if it works for Starbucks...why not us. So in addition to offering great Costa Rican Coffee to take home, we've added a line of Costa Rican souveniers as well. Among the items we carry are Coffee Mugs, T-shirts, key chains, shot glasses, CR poker playing cards, and pot holders..... Yes, I said pot holders!! Have we sunk so low??? :P Really, their kinda nice though. And besides, we think we're better priced than anyone in town on this stuff, so hopefully we can help you all save a buck or two.
Cafe Cafe FACEBOOK Page
Lastly, be sure to check out our new FACEBOOK page. You can get there by clicking the picture of the Cafe Cafe sign on the right side of this page. It has our menu and a number of indoor/outdoor shots of our venue. Be sure to sign up as a CAFE CAFE FAN.
Hope to see you on your next run in/or out of town. Until then...

Happy Brewing

Lyle Watson

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